These are some of the common questions we hear and the symptoms that may indicate a subluxation or other spinal-related disorder:
Why is my vision changing? Why is my vision blurry?
Are my bladder problems related to a fall?
Is my dizziness (also vertigo) due to a head trauma?
What causes earaches or ringing in ears?
Why am I constantly tired?
Why do I have constant headaches?
Other symptoms that may indicate a subluxation of the spine may be:
Leg cramps
Muscle twitching
Numbness and/or tingling
Swallowing difficulty
Walking or gait problems
Weakness in your arms or legs
Low back pain and/or stiffness
Neck pain and/or stiffness
Pain between the shoulder blades
Pain in the arms, legs, feet, and hands
Pain in the jaw or face
Shoulder pain
Daily activities, such as lifting and exercise, or traumatic experiences, such as automobile accidents, can sometimes cause obvious, and at other times, subtle, problems with your spinal cord. The most common problem involves a misalignment of the small bones in your spinal cord.
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