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Hip Pain: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments

Dr. Mark Freund

Updated: Sep 20, 2022

The hips are an important part of your body. You need them for walking and almost every other physical activity. That’s why it’s important you schedule an appointment with Natural Care Chiropractic when you experience hip pain.Drs. Mark Freund and Nicole Gopaul of Lindenhurst, IL, can help locate the source. Whether the pain is in the front, back, or sides, we’ll find the cause of your discomfort.

Hip Pain

Hip joints are the largest joints in the body and are intertwined with muscles, ligaments, and nerves that control most of the body. Because the hip is a complex joint and connects so much of our anatomy, assessment from a chiropractor is important for diagnosis. What someone perceives as hip pain can easily be caused by or linked to an issue in the lower back, legs, or butt.

Hip pain isn’t a condition as much as a symptom of a larger problem. This means that there could be several things causing your hip pain. Here are a few examples that we see in our Lindenhurst, IL, office:

Osteoarthritis: is a degenerative disease that affects the joints' cartilage. It’s common in older patients due to everyday wear and tears.

Muscle strain or overuse: hip pain is expected in athletic individuals. Engaging in the same movements occasionally leaves a mark on the body, especially the hips.

Bursitis: the bursa is a fluid-filled sac surrounding the joints. It cushions the joint and protects it from friction. When it becomes irritated, this is known as bursitis.

Chiropractic treatment provides patients with holistic and pharmaceutical-free options. You don’t have to worry about filling your body with medications. Instead, your Lindenhurst, IL, chiropractor offers natural options. Here are a few examples:

Chiropractic adjustments: this treatment method corrects misalignments of the spine that can cause hip pain.

Nutrition: a healthy diet reduces weight, removing excess strain from your hips.

-Lifestyle choices: your chiropractor can help you identify frequent behaviors that damage the hips.

-Stretches and strengthening exercises: a personalized exercise plan helps you strengthen and increase the mobility of your hips.

At your examination, tell your chiropractor what your discomfort feels like and when it occurs. Describe if it is painful, feels stiff, or you feel a decrease in the range of motion. Also, note if your hip is mainly sore after waking up or becomes more painful at certain times. When the source of your pain is determined, we can determine the best treatment. In addition to adjustments, your chiropractor will assign exercises and stretching on your own, which is important for joint responsibility for almost all of our movement. Whatever may be causing your hip pain, you don’t have to suffer from it. Come see us for an assessment and get back in motion!

Natural Care Chiropractic is conveniently located in Lindenhurst, IL. To schedule an appointment with Drs. Mark Freund or Nicole Gopaul, call 847-265-0600 or visit our website.

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